Northeast Valley Healing Room

About Us

Receive your healing! An appointment is not needed; but, you may call for an appointment to reserve the time that you would like. Appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes. The last appointment would be at 10:30 A.M. Jeremiah 33:6, Psalm 148. We are open every Saturday, except major holiday weekends.



Steven and Deborah Bigler

Hours Open

Next open on Saturday, October 26th

Saturdays 9 AM to 11 AM

Phone: 480-877-9860


Lily (.

Lily (.

June 01, 2024

I came in with a headache and lung issues. I also was struggling with depression. I have suffered from headaches for years and now they are gone. All the pressure in my sinuses and behind my eyes left as I was being prayed for. I can breathe deeply and easily now. Satan's hold on my mind and emotions causing the depression has been broken! I also had knee pain for about two years and after several visits to the Healing Room the pain has left. I can now walk and run without any pain! Praise Jesus!

Nancy C.

Nancy C.

May 18, 2024

My hip was sooo hurting! You prayed God's healing over my hip and little by little, in a few months, I kept speaking healing in my hip, and rebuking any pain. It is NOT from the Father. The pain lessened and now - NO MORE PAIN! Hallelujah! I also have been receiving a greater understanding of God's will for us and Power and Authority we have been given to speak over the healing we need. Confessing those things that are not as though they ARE! Shalom and blessings to God's people in the Northeast Valley Healing Room!

E L.

E L.

February 24, 2024

My neck and knees were prayed for, and they both came into alignment. But what I needed most were the words and scriptures given to remind me who I am in the Lord and the peace He has promised in His Word as I seek Him. Above all else, I can cast my cares on Him and His Great Love for me.

Kacee C.

Kacee C.

February 24, 2024

Everyone at the Healing Rooms was so incredibly warm and welcoming. They make you very comfortable by explaining every step, easing any nervousness that you may have. Starting with their index card notes, it was beautiful to receive confirmation through the 3+ keywords they spoke about. Their messages, either through plain sentences or scriptures, totally resonated with me. The healing portion for my back was thorough and comforting. My body relaxed its rigid hold just moments into their prayers for my herniated vertebrae. I felt like I was sinking into a hot bath. Another portion I really loved was a "forgiveness" exercise where I poured aloud the names of people I wanted to forgive. Then, I offered it all up to Yeshua. I'm so happy I have business cards and other resources to connect to this amazing organization when I fly back east and revisit Arizona. They even have Zoom options! I can't adequately express my gratitude for the healing I received today. God bless!
