a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Mid-South Healing Rooms is open to the public on Monday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We are usually closed on major holidays (i.e. Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.). Healing Rooms will be closed on December 25, 2023 and January 1, 2024 in observance of the Christmas holidays. If you have questions on the hours, please contact us at (901) 378-6351.



Ira & Francine Blackmon

Hours Open

Next open on Monday, October 21st

Mondays 7 PM to 8:30 PM

Phone: 901-378-6351


Francine B.

Francine B.

August 08, 2023

Our apostle asked us to call one of his pastor friends in Texas to pray with his daughter-in-law who was very near death. The pastor's daughter-in -aw was battling a very rare form of appendix cancer. She was in the hospital and had several surgeries. We were told that the doctors were not very hopeful for a recovery for her. The ministry team called the pastor on Monday evening to pray. His daughter-in-law was very weak and was not able to speak during the call. She listened as the team prayed and ministered healing to her. Two days later, we received a call from the pastor saying that his daughter-in-law had made a miraculous turnaround in 24 hours. She was now up walking, talking, and sitting up in her bed praying for others. The pastor was giving thanks to Jesus and was very encouraged that his daughter-in-law would make a full recovery.

Francine B.

Francine B.

August 08, 2023

A lady, who had a stroke, came to the healing rooms for prayer after she got out of the hospital. A few days later, she went back to the doctor and had x-rays, the doctor reported to her that they knew she had a stroke, but could not see any evidence of this on the x-rays. However, they said that they saw a small spot on her brain that may have been missed and wanted her to come back in a few days for more x-rays. She returned to the healing rooms for more prayer concerning the spot on her brain. When she went back to the doctor for the x-rays, the doctor told her that the spot was gone. She was very thankful for the prayers and said that she is continuing to gain her strength and recover fully from the stroke.



June 09, 2019

Let me tell you a story. All last week I was developing a sinus infection. Every day by mid afternoon the pressure was so great that it literally hurt to touch my forehead and face under my right eye. By Saturday evening my wife decided that I needed to go to the Methodist Minor Med after church Sunday. I was sure ready to go Sunday noon too.

My wife told her sister, who is a member of the Mid-South Healing Rooms, what we were going to do. Her sister immediately set me up with a couple there from the church (Directors of the Mid-South Healing Rooms) to pray for me. They laid hands on me and prayed. The man had his thumb directly on top of my forehead pressure point and it was quite painful. In a minute he shouts "out" and the pain diminishes. I came on home without going to the Minor Med. I believed that I'd just been healed; I surely felt it. Over the course of Sunday afternoon "junk" just turned loose and my sinuses got back to normal as they can be in the pollen capital of the world. It's been a great week with no annoying sinus pressure. That's the story of how I got healed on Pentecost Sunday. Wow! What an "I can trust God moment."

Lisa J.

Lisa J.

July 20, 2015

As I came onto the property, I had a very real sense that I had nothing in and of myself to offer towards my healing. I knew that I was completely dependent upon God to meet me here to be healed. God did not disappoint me. He met me where I was and brought me all the way home. He brought release through transparency and forgiveness. Deep release of mourning.

Leaving the Healing Room, I felt restored and that a huge weightiness had been removed off of my chest. I feel free to love and to be loved. I believe hope has been restored to the dreams and longings of my heart.

Thank you for loving the Body of Christ through this ministry.
