a group of people holding hands praying

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About Us

WE CALL YOU! email ochrdirector@gmail.com for a phone call Tuesday nights. Or come in person on Monday nights in Fullerton ******Correct phone number here: Phone 7149281028 Please copy and paste the Instagram page below into your browser: https://www.instagram.com/orangecountyhealingrooms/



Dina Mabe

Associate Director

Stephanie Zarifes

Hours Open

Next open on Monday, October 21st

Mondays 6 PM to 8 PM

Phone: 714-928-1028


Jerry O.

Jerry O.

August 13, 2021

I visited the Claremont Healing Room in Claremont CA. several times for healing prayer. On Friday, August 13, 2020, I went to ask prayer for my plantar fasciitis in my left foot.

I have had plantar fasciitis for 13 years, with a pain level as high as 7. It is very painful to walk or to stand.

I have had treatments of ultrasound treatment, of PT, and of acupuncture, but the pain persisted.

On Friday, August 13, 2021, Roger asked me to sat down and lift both legs up. He put both feet together which showed me that my right leg was slightly longer than my left. He told me that my hips were not aligned. He prayed for my foot pain and my hips to be realigned.

I felt immediate reduction of the pain from the 7 to a 2 and my hips were realigned.

I had a tingling feeling in my foot for about 30 minutes after which I had no pain.

I have not had any pain since then!!

God is awesome, I thank Him for my healing!!!!

Jerry Otto

Steve H.

Steve H.

November 15, 2010

Hi dina,
As promised, here is my short but sweet testimony. A little over
2 weeks ago, I came to the I.A.H.R. Healing Room with a medically proven
condition in my Thyroid. The whole left wing has been invaded by growth,
at the time, of unknown type. My surgeon is an expert in the Thyroid and
... had examined it the day before and felt some "squishiness" of the type
that gave him "concerns". This not good. Thyroiditus is rare in men to
begin with and if a growth is found in a man over 60, as I am, it's
usually cancer.

Enough said. I brought those facts to the healing team the following day. They prayed over me, laid hands on me and anointed me with oil. At the time I did feel an "unusual feeling" in the infected area but wrote it off as meaning nothing. The following week I met with my endocrinologist. She is tops in her field as well. When she examined me, she couldn't even find it without an Ultrasound machine. There was no "squishiness" to be felt. The FNB or Fine Needle Biopsy came back a week later as benign. During this waiting time, God kept telling me over & over"taste and see that the Lord is good". Was there cancer there and the Lord healed it? I say yes, but we will never know for sure. There are no scientific facts to back up that case. Luckily, Jesus doesn't require our facts, just our faith. Thank you Jesus for your love, concern and faithfulness to your children. You have taken me this far and I know, You will take me all the way home.



July 02, 2010


I wanted to send a thank you and praise report!. My husband and myself came to the Healing Room at Grace Christian Church on May 1st of this year. We had never come to a healing room. I had been praying for several months before asking the Lord if we should. We had decided to come because we are moving right after July 4th to a new home in Franklin, TN to be with our daughter and family.

My husband, Earl, received prayer for his heart. Most of his life he has had high blood pressure and congenital heart failure. He is currently 72 years old and has been a Christian since an young child. We have been married 30 years and because of my past we have gone through some very intense warfare for several years. The battle has been long and hard.

Earl had over the past several months increased physical symptoms and his doctors were considering a pacemaker for his heart. I know the true healer is the Lord and we have been seeking his deliverance.

The prayer team we had were precious in the sight of the Lord. I went into the prayer room with Earl. The time we had in prayer with this team was truly from the direction of the Lord. The prophetic words that they gave were from God's lips to our hearts. The words included that the Lord would give him a new heart and that He had seen Earl's tears over the years for all the pain in our lives. The heart they saw in the prophetic vision was wrapped in a rose and they saw the petals being drawn back. As we prayed and worshipped the Lord, the sweet scent of roses was present.

The end of May Earl went back to the Veteran's hospital for an echo gram picture of his heart. They measure the beats and responses of the heart. This time I went with him and we prayed that the Lord would be glorified. The report Earl received was that his heart was stronger and had improved from the test previously taken four years prior! No pacemaker was necessary! To God be the Glory!

We were given encouragement from your team and recommended to read the book "Christ the Healer". What an additional blessing that book has been to us. It was an excellent step that formed a true sealing regarding our prayer time.

We thank you all for your faithfulness to the Lord. You are all a real example of the true Body of Christ at work!. May the King of Kings bless you all abundantly!

With grateful hearts,

BJ and Earl Murphy



June 12, 2010

Hi Dina, tonight I received prayer for a diagnosis of ocular
hypertension (a forerunner to glaucoma).

I went to the have my eyes checked in the first place due to my night
vision driving had gotten pretty blurry, the star-bursts
that come from the street sign lights, the signal lights & the red car
tail lights were double the usual.

When the team members prayed I immediately felt the Holy Spirit
surround me. Josh prayed that I would receive the sight of
an eagle, as he prayed this the Lord showed me as an eagle flying,
through the eyes of the eagle looking down I could see
its beak, looking past the beak I had clear vision of the land in the
distance below me.

I could hear others praying then Patsy began to break off any
assignment of the enemy against my sight, all I could do
was bend over & groan. As the others joined in & pressed into that
releasing & breaking off any assignment of blindness
both in the natural & in the spiritual, then filling me with more of
the Holy Spirit.

Well on my way home I noticed that I could see ! The double vision of
lights, the star-bursts were not there.
I noticed I could see clearly the entire distance in front of me on
the freeway. It was like the crisp, clearness
in the air after the rain. Like the smog is cleared away, & the
blurriness is gone. I could see the letters very clear.
AMAZING ! !! AMAZING GOD ! So now I will believe, hope & have
faith that the pressure in the back of my
eyes will decrease below 21, I will walk in this healing.

I say "Come on God" , more.

