a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Come and receive your healing!



Mandy Chew


Sharon Brady

Hours Open

Next open on Wednesday, October 23rd

Wednesdays 10 AM to 12PM
Fridays 7:30 PM to 9 PM

Phone: 0490 138 491


Marion D.

Marion D.

December 07, 2009

In March 2001 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Following the mastectomy an MRI Scan revealed "multiple secondaries in the liver." The surgeon was disappointed, but God gave me great peace with Phil. 4:6. My family and close friends prayed. As a further check I was asked to return for an Ultrasound. Here, the technician finally said "I can find nothing of any significance!" Another MRI Scan was ordered. This confirmed that all was clear. I have had no more complications in over 8 years since then. Thank You Jesus.

Reta W.

Reta W.

November 18, 2009

I had been diagnosed with advanced osteo-arthritis in my knees. I had intense pain in my knees and also in my feet, back, neck and shoulders. I wanted a quick fix from all the pain.

I did feel immediate relief in my knees but knew there was more healing to come. I had resigned from the worship team because I couldn't stand for over an hour up on the stage but after that first day of being prayed for, I felt I was to go back onto the worship team and believe God for my total healing.

My next visit to the Healing Rooms was a very interesting time. I loved what God did for me that day which left me with an overwhelming feeling of compassion and ability to offer forgiveness.

I also had felt that God was speaking to me about losing weight. My next visit was all about having words cut off me about my weight.

Someone lent me some DVDs about doing the right thing for my wellness. I have begun to put these life styles into practice and PRAISE THE LORD I am feeling relatively pain free and no longer taking pain medication.

I praise God for the journey He has taken me on for this to happen and I WILL see my complete healing and I WILL be able to get off the rest of the medication in the very near future. HE GETS ALL THE GLORY FOR EVERY STEP IN THIS JOURNEY.

Rod O.

Rod O.

May 20, 2009

For over ten years I have struggled with hypertension. During a recent trip to Spokane USA, the Lord graciously healed the condition. I twice weekly check my blood pressure. The cystolic pressure rarely elevates above 120, and diasystole never above 80

Jane O.

Jane O.

May 16, 2009

I had suffered with lower back pain for most of my adult life. Although I'd received prayer for healing, within a few weeks of being pain free, the pain in my lower back would always return. In May 2009, we visited Healing Rooms in Spokane USA. While receiving prayer for a neck injury, the HR team asked if I also had any back pain. They prayed for my whole body to come into alignment. I felt tingling and watched as my legs and arms were straightened as the team prayed for me. I no longer have any lower back pain. I still have a little discomfort in my neck and shoulders but it is getting better every day. Praise God!
