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Message for US2070 from Paul Mills from IP

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From Paul Mills

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Hello Kristina, My name is Paula and I’m reaching out to you regarding my husband, Paul. He has struggled with childhood trauma from an abusive dad and very dysfunctional family his entire life. That could be the root of his struggle with fibromyalgia for the past 30 years. He hasn’t been able to work for the last 20 years in spite of a heart for God. He also has his Master’s of Divinity degree and feels defeated because he hasn’t been able to use it…yet. His prayers are so touching. When he’s praying he’s filled with the Holy Spirit and his prayers are meaningful, but it’s like our prayers for his healing are not heard. I’ve been researching healing and follow Praying Medic and have prayed for Paul using the methods he teaches. Every time we pray regarding Paul’s emotional healing it feels like a moot point because he can’t seem to overcome his past. On top of his usual pain, hemorrhoids have been added the past 5 months. He needs more prayer than I’m able to give him. Please help!

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